Hey ya'll! 2 little kids and a large garden have snatched all my 'spare' photoblogging time recently...I will have to try and share with you some of my favorite photos from this past spring in upcoming blogs.
Meanwhile, I thought it would be fun to take you along on our sheep shearing adventure from this past week...
We had a ma-a-a-arvelously good time.
Amelia, Henry, and I arrived at our friend Mary's sheep farm to a flock of woolly mammoths.
They were all penned up in the barn so that their fleeces stayed clean and dry before the shearer came.
The first victim was the one causing the most commotion in the barn, the naughty ram...Max.
"Please watch those sharp cutters near my bum, sir."
"I can't look."
"My neck wrinkles have been exposed to the world!"
"Let's see if the ladies still want me..."
"No-Go with the ladies, guess I'll find something to munch on."
1 down, 10 more to go.
All different colored coats...
The shearer made it look easy, but I'm guessing it's quite the opposite.
Close your eyes and it will be over soon, sheepies.
He was extremely gentle with the sheep. I was surprised at how cooperative they were.
It was like a salon day for them.
Put your feet up and enjoy.
"Must you take pictures of me in such a vulnerable state?"
A few skin nicks are inevitable I'm told (did you know that nick is spelled like that...I was sure there was a silent k involved.)
Check out the range of colors in just one fleece because of weathering.
When the shearer was done, Mary clipped their hooves and gave each sheep a de-wormer.
Then, she picked up the coveted fleeces...
And carried them over to a dry, clean spot.
Across the yard.
And, that spot just happened to be the deck of her empty pool.
In fact, why don't we go up there and lie in the fleeces together?
Take a deep breath!
And let it all go....ahhhhhh.
Mary is so silly!
And that was our morning of watching sheep shearing.
With Mary...
And her friend from tap dance, Melinda (who dressed up for the occasion)...
The sheared flock can now enjoy themselves more in this warmer weather.
And, here are the pretty wool socks Mary sent us home with.
They were a little big ;)
Thanks, Mary, for the jolly holiday!
You always know how to spin up some fun.
Here's a link to Mary's online store, but it would probably be more fun just to call her if you are interested in any warm woolly products from her sheep 417-257-2307
And here's a link to a previous photo blog I did highlighting her sheep.
Hope to see you all again soon :)